Before we get started watch the two following ad’s, both of which are for a laundry detergent.(Yes really)


First up we have a recent Ad from China



For those of you who didn’t or cant click play the ad involves a dirty black man being shoved into a washing machine and coming out a clean Chinese man.


Now watch ad 2



This ad is a near mirror of the first, involving a disheveled and not very fit white man being shoved into a washing machine and coming out a very ripped black man.


Now it seems the second ad may be in response to the first. And both have predictably been called racist by many. But here’s my question, which no one else seems to be asking.


Which of these two cultures would you bet on in a conflict? Would it be the one confidant enough to say in visual language that “our men are better than foreign men”? Or the one that says “our men are crap, and obviously foreign men are better”?

Which strikes you as a commercial made by a culture on the rise and which strikes you as being made by a culture in decline?